The LED Solar Power Obstruction Lighting System (Double Light) is an FAA-compliant self-contained warning lighting system for towers, hangars, building and other structures. During daytime, the solar panel charges the battery at dusk, the photocell automatically activates the LED obstruction light until dawn. Made in the United States this system is the optimal choice for FAA obstruction lighting applications where reliability is a must.
The lighting system operates automatically with no need for operator interaction. With normal daylight illumination, the solar panel is capable of producing sufficient current to charge the battery. The solar regulator also prevents the battery from being overcharged or deep discharged. An integral temperature sensor automatically adjusts the battery charge voltage to compensate for temperature fluctuations for extended battery life. The system is designed to require very low maintenance for long periods, while operating in very harsh environments conditions.
Compliance Standards:
FAA: L-810(L) AC 150/5345-43 and the FAA Engineering Brief No. 67. Solar equipment exceeds requirements of FAA Engineering Brief No. 76 “Using Solar Power for Airport Obstruction Lighting.” L-810 is ETL Certified.